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Testimony - Former General Church of Satan

That the testimony of the generals Church of Satan, they are seven major generals / kel. elite /

They have rituals such as the church generally do:

1. Praise & Worship: but the songs are more favored young people, and usually the homage to heavy metal / rock, including the song Santana (Maria), Janet & Michael Jackson (scream), John Lennon (Imagine) or song Bon Jovi , continues to Black Sabbath, heavy metal and other streams.

2. The reading of the word: not use the usual bible but Satanic Bible, the contents of which distort all the contents of the Bible according to their version.

3. Holy Communion: they eat organ babies (abortion results) and drink the blood of babies.

4. Supper love: they may be promiscuous with people who were present, and also distributed free drugs.

They have 2 work program:

1. Long-term: to build the temple of the 'gods' it they are antichrist

2. Short-term: to capture the souls of the young generation and infiltrate churches.

To their area of ​​operation, divided, and a base in Asia, namely Indonesia, in Manado, because the level of the highest abortion and spirit territorial (regional authorities Manado spirit is the spirit of adultery).

What ya, when AGS (Son of the Church of Satan) infiltrated the churches: To the churches outside the Pentecostal charismatic, they participate in worship / infiltrate from the beginning of the service. Especially for Charismatic Pentecostal churches (like churches under the GBI and the like), they infiltrated time reading the word, because they can not get time of praise and worship.

The target them sleepy congregation make 75%, 20% congregation chat, Only 5% who listen (and even then if listening to) the way they pronounce certain spells. According to them, the churches outside the pentecostal charismatic, very easy to for them infiltrated because there engga right intercessor, whose duty is also no praise & worship. If in the pentecostal church, intercessors must have prayer during worship progresses, and if already praise & worship, God's angels would stand guard around the church, so difficult to penetrate, even if they master the science to penetrate the wall, but if already there are angels that case, they engga will get out, and the dangers they create the possibility they could be pain and manifestation.

There are four things that children church devil fear:
1. Praise & Worship
2. The Word of God
3. Prayer
4. How completely armor of God

If already there are people who get caught entered the Church of Satan, will not be released unless the time God himself, because when they get in, they make an agreement blood with the devil, by any neophyte, prompting bleeding from any body part and mixed with herbs and 'holy water', to ritualized.

People who witness these Mongol name, he was descendant of Mongol dynasty, the son of the 16th of 23 siblings, mother to three of the six wives of his father. His family was very rich in Manado, got mine pearls. Due to general rank in the Church of Satan, he mastered the science of Pentagram until level 1 (highest.) She also mastered the eight kinds of international language, IP 4 - 1 levels below Ilham Habibie. But after repenting, all of the language he mastered missing, science Pentagram is also missing, and he was sent off at his family, until engga have any money. But he holds the promise of God that the whole family will be saved.

How he repented; accidentally meet one person servant of God. He wants opponent was a servant of God with the knowledge that he got from the lowest to the highest, can engga. When he wants to run, his legs can not be moved. Finally she could only cry and brought the man of God had been to seminary. In one room, when he came to, he heard the mother's (God's servants earlier) again Praise & Worship. He tried to resist again with the sciences that he had, but I can not. Finally, pray, is released, and out of strange manifestations. There were burned out black paper (the science pentagramnya him), continue until the last out of the antenna. It turns any antenna generals with telepathic transmitter that has a high level, if there is a ritual they where, even though they do not exist in these places, but they can know. He was released to 8 months, and it hurt like hell. Because science's been weird, and he often drank and ate the blood and organs of the human body.

How they attract young people:

1. With the invite to eat, but they never spoke meal in a cheap restaurant, certainly that has 21% tax & service.

2. Each of them wore a pentagram ring with sharp corners, when they attempted in any way to shake, and somewhat withdrawn, so definitely hit their rings. Blood in the ring was ritualized by them.

For info: Michael Jackson mastered pentagram level 3, and David Copperfield master Ilm



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