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Wages Following Jesus - Tina Agung Purnomo

Mark 10: 17-22

God does not deal with the good things we've done. God always sees the roots of life that must be pried out of our lives: our attachment, a monster in our lives.

When bad roots removed from our lives, our relationship with God would be amazing, because there is no longer a barrier.

When the light of God down, will be visible dirt should be removed from our lives. Before there was the light of God, we can not see the dirt.

The body is made of: body-mind-spirit. God wants all of them holy and pleasing to God.

We need money in life and ministry, but must not be attached to money. (Matthew 6: 24)

The only additional wealth in our lives. We may be rich, and it is our rations. But we must not love money more than love Jesus.

2 Timothy 3: 1-2 - When a person becomes a slave of money, he would be evil.

If we do not control the money, we would have controlled the money, eventually became a slave to money.

There is a time to work for a living, but there is a time of worship, praise and worship God.

Tithing is one of the ways that are not attached to money. Tithing consecrate 90% of our parts.

Mark 10: 23-30 - People Air-money is hard to enter the kingdom of God. Then it must be trained since not have much money, so when blessings, not attached to money.

Mark 10: 25 - Pinhole: a small hole at the city gate. Camels can still go pinhole, but had to kneel down, and the load is removed first.

Mark 10: 28-31 - What did Jesus say: abandon all for the gospel, not leaving because of conflicts or problems. Not mentioned in the Bible: to leave his / her spouse.

Suppose a rich young man was still following Jesus, he will hear the claims of Jesus and was not disappointed. Do not be afraid of losing anything.

Wages follow Jesus

1. eternal life (Mark 10: 30c)

If you do not have Jesus, then we can not spend eternity.

Tit 2: 11-12 - We must learn to manage your life wisely. We must know Jesus more, live more refined, bad character removed.

When we are called by God, can only bring our heart that loves God. Focus on eternity, not only in the present.

2. There is a price to be paid

The price paid to follow Jesus:

Leave home, family, etc. On the other books say that Peter finally had many spiritual children.

Sometimes people who follow Jesus shunned friends, family, even our bosses. It does not matter, because our life is different.

3. Accept personal wages

Thanks to God not only for others, but also for our personal. Our lives would not be the same as those who live without Jesus. (Col 3: 22-24)

Life is full of fight, let's fight with Jesus. Then the struggle it would generate growing faith in Jesus, victory in Jesus, being a witness, and so on.

Mark 10: 31 - This verse is a warning for us to stay motivated in serving the Lord. This is not a prophecy that will be fulfilled.

God wants all His children to follow Jesus faithfully to the finish line, not loose, and not lost.

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