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Dr. WA Criswell
I Corinthians 12:13

The sermon is entitled: BAPTISAN HOLY SPIRIT. This message is delivered because there is no end to the unbiblical responses that I see here in every place.
To summarize the non-biblical response to God's truth, every place there is those who are convinced that there is a work of grace when we are born again, when we are changed.
Something God does when we are born into the kingdom of God. Born from the spirit. Born new. Born from above. Reborn. It is one experience of grace, a work of God.
Then they acknowledge that there is a second work going on later, the Word of God, an experience of grace at another time. And this is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit .
If you have not received the second work of grace, called the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then you are a second-class Christian. Your position is slightly below. And those who have experienced the grace work are somewhat over the top.
This doctrine is everywhere. I always study it. And among the most unintelligible, is by great men of God like Dwight L. Moody and RA Torrey.
His own son, Dr. Torrey asked his father to change the nomenclature (nomenclature) he used in explaining his experience. And Dr. Torrey refused until the end of his life.
            In my own experience, over the years, I have misunderstood. I do not understand God's truth regarding the baptism of the Holy Spirit .
One time in the years that passed, two brothers came here to Dallas to visit me from Louisiana. They had heard me preach about the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a conference in Louisiana.
And they came here to sit with me and to teach me about God's Word. Even though I listen to them, I still do not understand them.
One time while preaching at a conference at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, I announced my sermon on this subject. And to my hotel room came the man who led the institution or the big school.
And they talked to me at length because it was a great debate, arguing the school in this field, baptism, the doctrine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit .
In the past, I learned a lot about this, and I also pray a lot when I study it.
And finally I came to an understanding of the truth, a clear understanding of God's truth, the revelation of God in the scriptures. And I wrote two books on this subject. Holy Spirit .
Now, arriving at this hour, I think I should be talking about this topic. I studied it constantly, about deviations, misunderstandings, misconceptions, misinterpretations of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Then I struggled to combine it all and to present the essence in just one short sermon, I fought hard for it. You actually need hours.
Because I wrote two books on this subject.
And how do you combine it and solidify it and deliver it in just a few minutes like this? Ok, I have a habit of learning until late at night.
And in one night, in my preparation for the delivery of this message, and in my struggle to present it in just one short moment like this, reading the scriptures, sowing the Word of God, preparing this message, I go to sleep.
I still do not know how in one sermon to present the truth of this wonderful doctrine. And in the middle of the night, I woke up. And when I woke up, the whole message stretched out in front of me from start to finish, every point and every discussion for each point.
I would not be so spiritually arrogant as to say an angel had expressed it to me. Maybe the psychologist is right when he says that your mind is working when you fall asleep just like when you wake up.
And my mind is working the whole message from start to finish. And when I woke up, everything was there. Your mind has processed it, and now declares it to me.
No matter how you explain it, whether it is a gift or a favor from heaven, or psychologically conditioned that my mind cultivates it, even while I'm asleep, the whole message stretches out before me.
Now, here are the main points. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a historical prophetic event.
Second, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a heavenly occurrence of history.
Third, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an ecclesiastical event.
And fourth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a historical eternal event, which will not be repeated.
And here's the conclusion. We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit continuously and on an ongoing basis.


Let's start. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a historical prophetic event. This is something that God established at a certain time, somewhere, in a certain year and a century before it happened.
This is a historical event prophesied by God in heaven. This is the same thing as the coming of our Lord. There is a time of prophesy, a specific time when God in heaven will be incarnate in the human body.
He will be born of a virgin. This is prophecy. There is a time of prophesy, an event when our Lord will die in the gift of forgiveness for the sins of the world.
There is a time of prophesy, an occasion when He will rise from the dead. There are times and events prophesied when God will return from heaven. This is all set in heaven. Foretold and we wait for the fulfillment of that event.
In the same way there is a historical prophecy concerning the birth and death of the atonement and the resurrection and the return of our Lord, for indeed there is historical prophecy which refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit of God. The outpouring of the Spirit of God over the human body.
Now, let's look at some of these prophecies, the first one I show you, that is, what you just read.
In chapter 2 of Joel, it will happen that I will pour out my Spirit upon all men, and your sons and daughters will prophesy; Your old men will have dreams, your young men will have visions.
There will come one day, says Joel, a prophecy as the Lord will pour out the Spirit of grace to the earth. The presence of the Holy Spirit God baptizes, baptizing the world with the Spirit of God.
In Chapter 3 of the Gospel of Matthew, in Verse 11, John the Baptist preached thus: I baptize you with water as a sign of repentance, but He who comes after me is more powerful than I, and I am not worthy to take off His sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
There will come one day, says John the Baptist, when God pours out the Holy Spirit to this earth, baptizing the earth with the Holy Spirit .
I flipped through the pages of the Gospel and in Chapter 7 of the Gospel of John, John explains in a parable: What He means is the Spirit that will be accepted by those who believe in Him; For the Holy Spirithas not been given, for Jesus has not been glorified.
Is not this a beautiful word? John explains Jesus' crucifixion as the glorification of Jesus.
What an amazing thing happens, that a man can see the execution of what has been reserved for criminals and wicked people and slaves, and call it the glorification of Christ.
Well, even so, in the midst of the ministry of Christ, the baptism of the Holy Spirit has not yet come. This is something that is in the future. The time has not yet arrived.
This is said by Jesus because the Holy Spirit has not been given.
I turn to Chapter 1 Acts. And God speaks to His apostles.
And He said: Wait for the promise of the Father which, he said, you have heard about Me. For John baptized with water, but soon you will be baptized by him with the Holy Spirit .
Watch this. God has completed His ministry. He died in the grace of penance for our sins. He has been buried. He has risen from the dead.
And now after forty days, He is ready to ascend back to heaven from where He came. And, baptism, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit has not yet come. It just happened later.
But God said: Will come soon. The baptism of the Spirit will not be long.
Then I turn to Chapter 2 Acts. And in verse 16, Simon Peter says: But that is what was spoken by God through the prophet Joel, the prophecy you have just read in Joel 2. That must be done.
This is a specific historical event meant by prophets centuries ago. It must all happen at Pentecost.
In Chapter 10 Acts of the Apostles Peter says: This is what John the Baptist prophesied. That great historic day has come. The baptism of the Holy Spirit , the outpouring of the Spirit of God to man.
This is the first point. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an event of historical prophecy. At one time, in one place. And it happened, says Simon Peter, today at Pentecost.


Number two. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a heavenly historical event.
In the last chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Luke 24, verse 49: Look, our Lord says. I will send unto you what my Father promised. But you must stay in the city of Jerusalem until you are equipped with power from on high.
That is what He literally wrote. Until the Holy Spirit equips them, the power of the high places. The promise of my Father.
Now, go back to Chapter 1 Acts. And I see the same word again.
In verse 4: When he was with them, he forbade them to leave Jerusalem, and to wait there they waited for the promise of the Father.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the text as the fulfillment of the Father's promise. Now, I think this is what it means. Father's promise.
Before the foundation of the earth was made, before God placed the planets in the sky, before any substance or substance, before the creation of the world, God the Father said to God the Son: You must die for mankind. You must suffer as a punishment for human sin. Do that, and I promise you the promise of the Father.
I promise You two things. Now, I see as a Calvinist, and you will see a small example of that. I promise you, God the Father said to his Son, if you want to suffer and die on the cross, pay the penalty for the sins of the world, I promise you th ...
I promise You mankind.
You will not die in vain. I promise You that there will be those who believe in You and trust You and receive Your grace and forgiveness and will love You and serve You.
I promise You mankind. The Gospels call that election. There will be people who believe in Jesus in every age and in every generation on this earth, until He comes again. Selection.
The Father promised His Son: If You want to suffer and die, I promise You mankind. There will be people who will respond to the announcement and proclamation and the delivery of good news. I promise You mankind.
The second. And I promise You that because You have done this, I will pour out the Spirit of grace and heavenly power upon the earth .. The baptism of the Holy Spirit.
This is the Father's promise. This is a historic celestial occurrence.
God promised His Son: You suffer and die and I will pour out the Spirit of grace and salvation and supplication and power to man. Glory.


Ok, now the third. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a historical event of the church. This is related to the church.
I read here the Word of God in Chapter 14 of the Gospel of John. Our Lord said: You know Him, the Spirit of truth, this Comforter, Article 3 is about the third person of the Trinity.
I will pray to the Father. He will give you another Helper. He is with you and will dwell in you, this Spirit of truth. The Holy Spirit of God.
John 14:17: He is with you and will dwell in you. Now, let me talk at length about this. The Holy Spirit of God, our Lord said: Will have a new dwelling place, a new tabernacle, a new home.
That place is the church, in the body of Christ. Prior to this, before Pentecost, before the outpouring, before the baptism of the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit had come upon several different people at different times.
Sometimes, the word says: The Holy Spirit encounters Samson several times. The Holy Spirit seized Samuel. The Holy Spirit is upon Saul.
            The Holy Spirit fills David. The Holy Spirit is upon Isaiah. The Holy Spirit at different times sees different people.
            Just like God's appearances ( theophanies ) and Christ ( Christophanies ) our Lord and Savior. God is in heaven. The house of Jesus is in heaven on the throne of God. But He appeared from time to time to different people.
            For example, He appeared to Abraham. He appeared to Hagar. He appeared to Jacob. He appeared to the elders. He appeared to Daniel. He appeared to Isaiah.
Christophanies, the appearance of our Lord when He was up there in heaven, He came down to earth, and appeared to the saints from time to time. But His house is in heaven. He lives in heaven on the throne of grace.
Now, God descends here to earth from heaven, and for thirty-three years, He lives as a human being. Then he returned to heaven when He rose from the dead.
And there He is now in heaven, to the right of the Father's throne. Waiting for God's appointed time, prophesied, known to the Father when He will return to earth for His people.
            The Holy Spirit is exactly like that. His house is in heaven. Sometimes the Spirit descends Samson or Saul or David, but His house is in heaven.
But our Lord says in this prophecy in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John: A day will come when the Holy Spirit will move His central dwelling, will transform His house from heaven to earth.
And His house will be here. And He will dwell in the body of Christ. His people. He is in the Church. This is the most dazzling thing.
A week ago I sat in a chair in front of a TV camera. They are interviewing something.
And the person who was leading the interview said to me, "I do not need to go to church, I can worship God as well as I am fishing when I go to church."
What he did not know was that he was there to worship himself. This is God's idea. It was his idea of ​​coming to God's presence.
It was his idea of ​​worship to God. It was his idea, not God's idea. God has commanded us not to abstain from our meeting of worship.
            And he proclaimed himself that he experienced the fullness of the baptism of the Holy Spirit while fishing. I certainly like to catch fish.
I can eat fish three times a day. But it will never happen to me to make it so for the tremendous outpouring of the Spirit of God in His Church.
There is something so wonderful and wonderful about God's people gathered together in the church. I will praise the Lord in the fellowship of worship. I will praise the Lord in the church. It is a beautiful thing.
I am glad when they say to me, "Let us come to the house of the Lord." Surprised and glorious to be in the house of God with God's people, how imperfect we are.
But God is there. He bless our song of praise. He blessed our instruments. And he hears our prayers. And our faith is strengthened and in the worship and work of our Lord.
The Spirit of the Lord is in His church. Not only that, but when I was saved, when I was changed, when I was born again. The same Holy Spirit who bore me back, which renews my heart. The same spirit that baptized me into the body of Christ, the Church. In 1 Corinthians 12:13: For in one spirit are we all baptized into one body. Ebaptisthemen . From the word baptizo . Ebaptisthemen .
It uses an aorist form . It is indicative. It is an ebaptisthemen, its form passive. In English we have 'tenses'. You can not speak in English without putting your words in a 'tensis'.
You are speaking in the present ( present ). You are talking about the future ( future ). You're talking about the past . You can not speak English except using 'tensis' (time shape). Every verb has a 'tensis'.
It is not so in Greek. In Greek, they speak in the context of action, what kind of action. The highlight is his actions. Past, future, or present actions. That is the type of action.
Now, in the Greek 'tense', there is a whole system called aorist, 'tensis' aorist . And a 'tensis' aorist refers to an action that takes place at such a point, and persists thereafter.
Now, this is an aorist verb . Ebaptisthemen . When I was saved, I was baptized by the Holy Spirit of God into the Church. And there I am forever.
When a person is baptized into the Church, he is there forever. He never gets away from him. Like the prodigal son. He may be in a pigsty. But when he sat there looking at the pigs, did you know what he was thinking? He thought of his house. He thought of his father. He thought of his father's house.
No one has ever been saved who will be far from him. He could be in the gutter. He could be in a pigsty. But he will never forget it.
My place is not there. I'm in the wrong place. I should have been at my Father's house. I should be with the people of God. And his heart is never far from him. Never .
And according to me, according to God's promise, one day he will return. That's it. When we are saved, we are baptized into the body of Christ. And there we are forever.
This is a beautiful doctrine in I Corinthians, from the same letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 6 Verse 19, the Apostle Paul says: The Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts. And when we come to Church, we bring Him with us.
And that is why when we all fell together in the presence of God, it is one of the most beautiful things our mind can imagine. The fellowship of God's people.
We bring the Spirit with us. And we are all in the body of Christ, placed there by the omnipotence and the grace of God. It's like writing our name in the Book of Life. This is something God does for us.
It is a wonderful thing to be part of God's eternal kingdom. He does it like writing our name, I say in the Book of Life. God does that. God does this. He adds us to the body of Christ. And there we are forever.
My brother, we can not understand if we look at that body and say, "Cut it out and then put it back in. And then cut it, and put it again, or my legs, I can cut it and put it on again, cut it and put it again."
Paul says: The body of Christ is exactly like this. Some of us are feet, and some of us are eyes and some of us are hands, and some of us are ears.
            We're not all legs. We are not all hands. We are not all eyes. We have different talents and assignments. But it makes us complement the whole body of Christ.
Now, when you are added, there is no doctrine in the Bible like cutting off hands and putting them back. Or you take one part of the body of Christ and put it again in the body of Christ.
            No. When God adds us to the blessed body of God, we are there forever. The doctrine of the security of the believer. The eternal salvation of the saints. These people, God says, are mine. They are mine.
And I repeat, some of us may not be taken into account, there is no representation of God's grace. But He has not finished dealing with us. We're still on our way.
We grow in grace. It is a wonderful comfort. It is a blessing of certainty. That is our song. Is not it?
Well, we should discuss it more quickly.
            Now the fourth. This is a historic eternal occurrence, which will not be repeated. The baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lord says in John 14 verse 16: I will pray to the Father. And he will give you another Comforter.
This comforter will stay with us and in us, our Comforter, our Enforcer, our Energizer. When I leave, He will come.
Now look at the sentence: That He will stay with you forever. This baptism of the Holy Spirit is an eternal event, which will never be repeated.
When He comes, says the Lord Jesus: He will dwell with you forever. Now we will see how the Holy Spirit works with us.
In Chapter 2 of II Thessalonians, Paul is writing about the end of time and the day of the Lord and the manifestation of what he calls the rebellious, while John calls him the Antichrist.
Now, in Verses 6 and 7, the Apostle Paul writes: And now you know what holds him, so that he will manifest himself at the appointed time for him. For all the secrets of iniquity have begun to work, but now there are those who hold back. If the detainee has been removed, then the rebellious will declare himself, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of his mouth and will annihilate him when he comes again.
Now, Paul is speaking of that day in the time of the end times, when the antichrist, the rebel is revealed.
And I think in every generation, Satan has his own pendurhakanya, anti-Christ. He could have been Hitler in a generation when I was a young man who started preaching.
He could be Stalin in the next generation. He will become another character in the next generation. But certainly Satan always has his rebel
And that day will come soon, says the Apostle Paul when the rebel will be unveiled. The Anti-Christ will be revealed. The great evil ruler of this end of the world will be revealed.
But the Apostle Paul says: He has not been revealed now, because there is someone who is holding him back.


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