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Remnants Giant Side Treasure Found In Ancient Iran

Arkeolog in western Iran have discovered a treasure trove of ancient artifacts, including skeletal bones "very tall man" who lived more than 1,500 years ago.

Archaeologists who excavated the site in the Iranian province of Lorestan have found a large number of important historical artifacts that come from dating thousands of years ago.

The most interesting discovery is the skeleton of a man who is very tall, about two meters, a contemporary of the Sasanian Empire, who ruled from about 224 AD to 651 AD, when conquered by the Caliph of Islam.

Archaeologists also found artefacts dating from the days of the Achaemenid Empire, which there are about 550 BC until its destruction at the hands of Alexander the Great in 330 BC, and the Parthian Empire from about 250 BC - 224 AD

"In the course of the recent excavation at Chia Sabz region of Lorestan province, we find relics from the time of the Achaemenid Empire," the chief archaeologist Ata Hasanpour told Mehr News Agency.


These items are derived from the time of the Achaemenid Empire, also known as the Persian Empire first, including plates, bowls ceramics, vessels painted, ornaments with the stamp and coins, as well as stone tools , These are all first artifacts from this period were found in the province of Lorestan.

"In the north area of ​​Chia Sabz we found the tomb of an old man. It consists of four walls of clay, covered with a large stone slab, "said Hasanpour.

"We find very many ceramic items from the Sasanian empire near the burial site, but we can only give a more precise dating after radiocarbon analysis."

"In the last days of excavations, we managed to find a storage shed with two vessel larder. The contents of the vessel have been sent to a laboratory for further investigation, "he said. The room is believed to come from the Parthian Empire.

During their excavations, archaeologists have also found two columns, which they believe is part of an ancient ritual space.


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